

At our clinic we ensure at all times that things flow smoothly in a conscious and loving way. We love our patients, thats for sure, and we show this by showing up on time and being present.

There is a flow that occurs from the moment we greet you at the door to the moment that you walk out, we are always conscious of you. This ensures that when you move through to the treatment area you are as calm and relaxed as possible, notwithstanding the amount of pain you might be in.

I am deeply honoured to work with the team that I have because they enable me to help you, the patient, and they help keep The Flow going.

Research in neuroscience has found that the brain is where emotions are felt, this then causes the limbic system to respond with a specific hormonal cascade and altered physiology related to that emotion. If the emotion arrives and moves quickly through the system then no permanent change in physiology will be noted, however, if the emotion is prolonged then the physiology will change over this prolonged period of time. This causes organs associated with this emotions’ physiology to change too.