

What is chiropractic? I mean what is chiropractic really. Fundamentally, Chiropractic is the identification and removal of nervous system interference. This allows you to get well, stay well and live a better life.


Dr Andy will be speaking with the Twyver Woman’s Institute Members at Upton St Leonards, Gloucester on Monday night. He will speak on a range of subjects on the night.

Dr Andy Evans MTech (Chiropractic) has been speaking publicly for the last 2 years and has received many recommendations (http://chiropractic-wellness.co.uk/what-our-clients-think)  for being inspiring and informative. Using his scientific training and background plus many years of clinical experience Dr Andy manages to simplify some of the more complex intricacies of the brain and nervous system.

Perception is reality. This leads us to 2 points really:

1.) If our only reality is within our own perception then what is our perception and is it accurate and;

2.) What is reality really.

Well we can understand that we percieve the world through our 5 senses (maybe more because we also have a sense of balance or proprioception). And that our magnificent brains reconstruct an internal world based on the neurological impulses coming from those different sensory organs on different and separate parts of our bodies. Think about it, your view of the world is entirely made up of a reconstruction created by your brain based on the evidence presented by the sense organs along the nerves. Your brain is entirely encased in a skull it is entirely dependant on reliable information coming from your senses along the nerves.

Isn’t this just mindblowing. It is a miracle that we appear to percieve the world so accurately.



What motivates a person? Well it could be one of two things. Pain avoidance or  pleasure seeking. Pain avoidance certainly works very effectively for short term things as with Pavlov’s dog but the truth is that humans forget pain very quickly and so the fear subsides. So Pain avoidance and fear is a weak motivator. Pleasure seeking is a good motivator because a person will put up with a fair amount of pain in order to get the pleasure. When pleasure is achieved once it is well remembered the desire to achieve it again can be huge.

It is the motivation of pleasure seeking that we attempt to use in our practice. We draw a picture of what a healthier life might look like and show you ways of achieving it. This is why our motto is “We help people to get well, stay well and live better lives.” Come on in and get your assessment so that you and your family can live a better life.

At our clinic we ensure at all times that things flow smoothly in a conscious and loving way. We love our patients, thats for sure, and we show this by showing up on time and being present.

There is a flow that occurs from the moment we greet you at the door to the moment that you walk out, we are always conscious of you. This ensures that when you move through to the treatment area you are as calm and relaxed as possible, notwithstanding the amount of pain you might be in.

I am deeply honoured to work with the team that I have because they enable me to help you, the patient, and they help keep The Flow going.

Research in neuroscience has found that the brain is where emotions are felt, this then causes the limbic system to respond with a specific hormonal cascade and altered physiology related to that emotion. If the emotion arrives and moves quickly through the system then no permanent change in physiology will be noted, however, if the emotion is prolonged then the physiology will change over this prolonged period of time. This causes organs associated with this emotions’ physiology to change too.

“Andy is an amazing guest speaker, and I would not hesitate to recommend him. He consistently provides the most informative & interesting talks – always thought provoking and uplifting. A definite expert in his field.” July 26, 2012

Shelby Powell, Tewkesbury Business Breakfast Club

I had a great breakfast and talk this morning at the Tewkesbury Business Breakfast Club with Richard Chatham the owner of Sherdon’s Golf Course as the gracious host and Shelby as the very efficient organiser.


So why aren’t we measuring brain function and nerve function to identify the cause of disease? Why are we still measuring the blood and blood components to measure the effect of the disease which is the deteriorating organ? The answer is simple: It’s because we don’t have any instruments that can accurately measure the function of the brain and nervous system.

The Medical industry has geared it’s entire structure to the measurement of the function of the organs (symptoms) through the blood. Chiropractors have a secret that most other professions haven’t cottoned onto yet. We have an early warning system that indicates any deterioration in nervous system function and we have a way to correct that deterioration so that either the organs are prevented from further malfunction or malfunction is prevented entirely.

At the Chiropractic Wellness Centre We Empower You To Get Well And Stay Well Through The Chiropractic Lifestyle.

P.S. Some chiropractors have forgotten this!

Dr Andy Talks on the brain and nervous system. This information will radically alter your life. The talk will be held at the Tewkesbury Breakfast Club on Thursday 26th of July 1012. Come on down and enjoy a great breakfast put on by Richard Chatham and Staff at Sherdens Golf Centre, Tredington, Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, GL20 7BP. Please register for the breakfast and talk at http://www.tewkesburybusinessbreakfastclub.co.uk/home

Dr Andy will be talking on the difference between men and womens brains and he will be giving some suggestions on how to work with it. This should be a entertaining and stimulating talk. It will be held at the Upton St Leonards Probus Group, 11 am Tuesday the 26 June. This talk will be for Probus members only please contact Dr Andy or his staff via the contacts page if you would like him to talk at your group.