

So why aren’t we measuring brain function and nerve function to identify the cause of disease? Why are we still measuring the blood and blood components to measure the effect of the disease which is the deteriorating organ? The answer is simple: It’s because we don’t have any instruments that can accurately measure the function of the brain and nervous system.

The Medical industry has geared it’s entire structure to the measurement of the function of the organs (symptoms) through the blood. Chiropractors have a secret that most other professions haven’t cottoned onto yet. We have an early warning system that indicates any deterioration in nervous system function and we have a way to correct that deterioration so that either the organs are prevented from further malfunction or malfunction is prevented entirely.

At the Chiropractic Wellness Centre We Empower You To Get Well And Stay Well Through The Chiropractic Lifestyle.

P.S. Some chiropractors have forgotten this!


Wellness Centre