

Perception is reality. This leads us to 2 points really:

1.) If our only reality is within our own perception then what is our perception and is it accurate and;

2.) What is reality really.

Well we can understand that we percieve the world through our 5 senses (maybe more because we also have a sense of balance or proprioception). And that our magnificent brains reconstruct an internal world based on the neurological impulses coming from those different sensory organs on different and separate parts of our bodies. Think about it, your view of the world is entirely made up of a reconstruction created by your brain based on the evidence presented by the sense organs along the nerves. Your brain is entirely encased in a skull it is entirely dependant on reliable information coming from your senses along the nerves.

Isn’t this just mindblowing. It is a miracle that we appear to percieve the world so accurately.



Wellness Centre